Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love you Spence.

To see more details go here.

it was a lot of hair.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


First off: My husband finished his second to last semester Friday, which means ONLY ONE SEMESTER TO GO. Shout out to my big boy, he takes so many credits and kills it. ONLY ONE SEMESTER, I am already clicking my shiny red slippers, "there is no place like home."

Secondly: We have literally watched all our friends move away from Rexburg, with the exception of the Bergquists- who are moving Tuesday, and we will watch them drive away forever. Good thing we are getting there. So there are a few pics from kickin it with them. 

My husband turned 25. Didn't post him a birthday shout out. So rude, but I got a couple pics of it.

So then I went to SLC for a girls weekend with my seeeesters and my baby gurl Ashton and Londy came too. We shopped til we dropped. There are some pics from then too. So here is an overload- but don't act like you hate it. We all love pics to creep on.

 don't kill me girl- its a GOOD pic

good weekend... tired us all out.
'Til we meet again- keep it classy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Halfway to HELL

I thought a lot about something to title this. I think it is appropriate.
I ran a half marathon with my sisters last weekend in St. George. I didn't really train as well as I should have because of the fab vacation we took, and I just started my new job. (I do PSR, google it). So I was a little more than nervous, had all the physical symptoms of it too. But I did it, and thank the sweet shimmering heavens that my sisters were there to cheer me on. Amber ran it right next to me, and talked to me the whole time. Just a nice stroll through the rain...(oh yeah, it was raining the WHOLE time) and I got to stare at Rachel's cute legs and the bottom of her pink shoes for a couple miles, then she was gone. You go girl. This is what I felt like when I finished:

I was hungry. At like mile 9 I remember thinking, I hope they have some good stuff at the finish line. I think I even asked Amber what we were having for dinner. So when I saw Texas Roadhouse rolls, I was STOKED.

The day before the race we took the girls to one of the trampoline gyms- like a warehouse with trampolines everywhere. so fun:

 It was a great trip. I might do it again. Thanks seeesers for running with me, or making me run... whichever.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happiest time of the year

Vacation to Las Vegas.
2 families.
A LOT of pictures
take a deep breath and here we GO: